Board Of Directors Profile

Qasif Shahid

Qasif Shahid

CEO and Co-Founder/Director

Digital payments pioneer and Mobile Financial Services veteran with 22+ years of banking experience with global and domestic Banks. He was the Digital Head of ABN AMRO in Singapore and then moved back to Pakistan with SCB. He has also served as the Digital Banking Head of MCB. Today, he is considered as one of the founding members of Pakistani Fintechs promoting Digital Payments.

Monis Rehman

Monis Rehman

Co-Founder and Director

One of Pakistan’s internet pioneers with 25+ years of experience building online businesses. He is also the CEO and founder of the country’s biggest online recruiting platform, He has been listed among the top entrepreneurs of 21st century several times. Forbes named him at #6 on its list of top "Ten Big Hitting Asian Businessmen under 50".

Kamran Zuberi

Kamran Zuberi

CEO and Director

An ex-Banker with 16+ years of professional experience in Retail, Corporate & Institutional Banking with Citi Pakistan and Bank Alfalah. In his 8 years with Citi Pakistan, Kamran was largely acknowledged for his role for the launch of Citi At Work (payroll proposition) along with the exponential growth in the Wealth Management business. In corporate banking, Kamran was managing the multinational FMCG, Airline, Pharmaceutical and Logistics portfolios.

He joined Finja in 2018 and has driven institutional business development. In 2020, he was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer for the Lending entity to help carve out business relationships with Banks, FMCGs and other market players with whom Finja can collaborate with as a lending partner.

Qasif Shahid

Dr. M Imran Ashraf Usmani

Independent Director

He holds an L.L.B and Ph.D. in Islamic finance and is presently the Group Head and Vice Chairman of Shariah Supervisory board at Meezan Bank Ltd and is responsible for Research and Product Development of Islamic banking products, advisory for Sharia-compliant banking and supervision of Sharia Audit & Compliance. He is also the President and CEO of Usmani & Co. Pvt. Ltd that provides full suite of Islamic finance consultancy, Shariah advisory and related ancillary services to local and international clients across all legal jurisdictions and financial and non-financial sectors.